Your XR idea #2

How to increase workout productivity with Extended Reality?

by Vladimir Fedorenko

Read time 4 min
The quality and productivity of training are fundamental keys to sporting success. It doesn't matter if you are preparing for the Olympiad or just putting your body in order. Any athlete focuses on achieving their goals! Extended reality solutions allow you to complete this and take classic workouts to a new level. We discussing the practical XR cases in various sports.
The ongoing process of improving productivity directly proportional to the chances of achieving the final result.

5 keys productivity factors:

— Systematization of exercises and a clear plan;
— Compliance with the time intervals for exercise and rest between them;
— Improving the technique of individual exercises;
— Interest and excitement to what you do;
— Correct analytics;
XR solution can cooperate with all these keys in the application. It is providing with great personal training without necessary to be a professional sportsman or member of the big organization.

Certainly, in large sports clubs, an entire team of coaches is responsible for all these factors separately. However, they haven't ignored the chance of using immersive technologies to improve the results of the team. The leading researcher Lindsay Ross-Stewart PhD worked with the Cougars baseball team to study how athletes can use imagery-assisted virtual reality to increase their confidence and performance. The program required athletes to watch a video of themselves via a smartphone application in virtual reality goggles, and practice a guided imagery script as many as three times a day. Results showed significant changes in the players' psychological practice skills, including automaticity, relaxation, self-talk, and imagery, as well as psychological performance skills.
Cardio sessions may be productive and not boring at all

More than 92% who trains has a sense of boredom during cardio training. The reason is simple - they get tired of the routine. The body begins to relax reducing the pace and productivity.
Augmented reality application for runners allows you to create a comfortable environment, keep the rhythm and stimulate more performance.
If you prefer riding a bicycle, with AR tool you can choose the difficulty, add competitors and visualizing nature and weather conditions.
You will get all the statistics and analyzing in the storage. So, you will be motivated by visually viewing your progress from workouts.
Improving the technique of individual exercises

Professional football players have been honing their playing skills for years. Work on technique, dexterity, etc. Clubs and coaches give them all the necessary resources and equipment.

Boys dream to perform free kicks as their idols on the football field. Alas, many of them fail to reach the professional level. The lack of a good infrastructure or a football academy in their city somehow affects their development.

The local authorities of some towns in the UK and Australia were able to solve this problem by giving the children the opportunity to professionally train strikes on their own through the use of their smartphone.

The program not only improves their game quality but also actively attracts more children to play football.
Discussing also the topic of training productivity for young athletes, it is also important to note the theme of motivation to play sports for children.

Children get bored much faster, and any child section has a serious competitor - gadgets! A variety of mobile and computer games easily allocate all free time.

Sports departments in many countries have noted a decrease in children's sports activity.

We offer a solution based on the idiom: "If you can't beat them, lead them."
We believe that it is necessary to transform the approach to sport in the game mode.

For example, we compare the appearance of the usual gym and transformed by mixed reality.
For children of primary school-aged, 5-11 years, from the usual gym, you can transform the several exciting events and quests. Imagine, how much more interesting it will be to jump over floating trees or crocodiles. Jumps up to rip off all bananas or crawl gently unnoticed. The game form will not only attract their attention but also introduce them to physical exercises.
Swimming as a treatment for diseases of the back

Friends, even swimming can be varied and interesting represent for children. Swimming has a beneficial effect on the human body as a whole, and its musculoskeletal system in particular. It's simple. A well-developed muscle corset reliably supports the spine and bones in the correct position.

Back in 2015, one company on Kickstarter launched a project called "Nautilus VR". It was the special headset that turns a standard swimming pool into the Greater Barrier Reef. Virtual reality snorkel immerses swimmers in the colorful world of coral.
Unfortunately, due to the constant interruptions in the delivery of materials and the development of AR glasses, the startup began to move toward augmented reality. Now it is a tool for analytics and professional training for swimmer athletes.

However, when the cost of an AR headset will be as low as possible it makes sense to use this idea for children's swimming lessons.
New sports ways and tournaments

HADO, an augmented reality game originated by the Japanese company Meleap, is a prototype application that could push the boundaries of AR's involvement in sport. It has great popularity in the SEA region.
It's a new PvP or team sport where you can improve your agility, reactions, physical conditions, and team-play.
As you can see, athletic performance and goals are continuously growing processes.

Extended reality solutions are bringing to a new level the productivity of training for anyone. Their use is infinite from attracting children to sports to preparing an athlete for the Olympiad.

Earlier in our article, we already noted the growth of immersive technology to 2025. We can confidently state that by this time we will see champions who have reached their goal thanks to Extended Reality.